Effective from 21 June 2021, updated COVID-19 measures were officially announced in the Royal Thai Government Gazette on the 19th in preparation for the reopening of pilot destinations to international tourism.
Face masks
The mask mandate requiring everyone in Thailand to ‘always correctly and properly wear sanitary or fabric face masks outside their residence or accommodation’ remains compulsory in public places nationwide. TAT would like to remind everyone that face masks should be worn at all times for both your personal safety and for those around you.
Dine-in at restaurants/food and beverage outlets
Dark-red zone: Dine-in services are allowed until 11pm., but air-conditioned venues must limit capacity to 50% of the regular operations. Red zone: Dine-in services can extend until 11pm. Orange zone: Dine-in services can resume normal hours. Consumption of alcoholic beverages while dining in continues to be prohibited in the dark-red, red, and orange zones. Yellow zone: Dine-in services can resume normal hours and operations.
Shopping malls
Shopping malls, department stores, and community malls in the dark-red and red zones are allowed to open only until 9pm. and are not allowed to hold any sales promotion activities. Those in the remaining zones are allowed to resume normal hours.
Gatherings & activities
Gatherings and activities with no more than 50 people are allowed in the dark-red zone; no more than 100 people in the red zone; no more than 150 people in the orange zone, and no more than 200 people in the yellow zone.
Sports venues
In the dark-red zone, sports venues are to remain closed, except for outdoor sports venues, which are allowed to reopen until 9pm. and are permitted to hold sporting events without any audiences.
In the red zone, all types of sports venues are allowed to reopen until 9pm. and are permitted to hold sporting events without any audiences.
In the orange and yellow zones, all types of sports venues are allowed to resume normal hours and are permitted to hold sporting events without any audiences.