The immigration police have announced that a negative COVID-19 test result is NOT mandatory for Thai visa extension of foreign travellers who wish to stay longer in Thailand.
The immigration bureau caused temporary confusion when spokesman Archayon Kraithong previously said on Monday a negative COVID-19 test result is a requirement for visa extension for “every type of visa”. This caused an uproar among expats on social media.
Archayon apologised for the confusion and misinformation. “I apologize for the misunderstanding. It will only apply to certain types of visa, most likely the permanent resident visa,” he said.
The immigration bureau will wait for the Council of State to interpret the latest regulation. Under the latest order, it added COVID-19 to the list of prohibited diseases for foreigners who wish to enter or take residency in Thailand. Other diseases include leprosy, “dangerous stage” of tuberculosis, elephantiasis, drug addiction, and tertiary stage of syphilis.
Currently, at least three rounds of COVID-19 test are part of the application for new Thai visa (STV and TR) until the end of quarantine. A Fit to Fly Certificate and a COVID-19 medical test result issued no longer than 72 hours before the date of travel are some of the documents that foreign travellers needed to prepare prior their travel to Thailand. Moreover, two COVID-19 test will be performed during travellers’ stay in their Alternative State Quarantine.