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Silvia O’Donovan


Australians…are we still Young and Free?

On the 17th of March 2020 the Australian Government has implemented a total travel ban both outbound and inbound on all its residents. The ban was originally meant to be lifted on the 17th of September but there are talks to prolong it well into 2021. Make no mistake, while other countries still have an inbound travel ban (although the majority of them are slowly planning to lift it), Australia is the only democracy in the world with an outbound travel ban.


Intrepid Travel officially endorsed by Reconciliation Australia

Things are looking grim in Australia at the moment with talks of a second wave hitting Melbourne in the state of Victoria and Sydney being on high alert in NSW. It’s taking a toll on a lot of people, not just a financial toll but also, and perhaps in an even more disconcerting way, an emotional toll.


Traveller or Tourist?

Innovation and the ability to accept and embrace change are the key elements that will make a difference in the landscape of any sector, not just travel. We’ve seen the last decade bring about fantastic opportunities for growth out of re-inventing the traditional structures and presenting them under a new light, not only to make […]


Travel in the Time of “You-Know-What”

Let’s be honest, we all know what it is by now! In the past couple of weeks good news could be read on headlines all over the world (with the exception of a few countries where unfortunately the curve hasn’t been flattened yet). And at the dawn of good news, when the fear that has […]


May you live in (safer) interesting times

“No international travel until 2023… some state borders within Australia won’t re-open until September…mandatory quarantine for all arrivals to London…” BOOM! While the echo of what for me is nothing short of a life-in-prison sentence reverberated through my head I looked at the many travel websites I keep permanently open in my browser and sighed, […]