Tahiti’s newest airline Air Moana announced that it has chosen Australian aviation IT solutions provider Maxamation’s revenue management solution Aviator to boost its revenues per flight.
Tiphaine Gribelin of Air Moana’s revenue management team remarked: ‘We are very reliant on Aviator both as a business intelligence tool and to automatically optimise the revenue on each of our flights.”
From its end, Maxamation provided the Aviator software, as well as on-site training and consultancy services whenever necessary. This ensured that Air Moana had everything it needed to create additional revenue.
Gribelin added: “The Maxamation team offered phenomenal support, and were there to help us at every stage. This combination of Aviator software and [active vendor] support allows us to proactively compete and succeed in a very competitive market.”
For his part, Maxamation CEO Peter Brewer said: ‘We are thrilled to be partners of Air Moana. The Air Moana team has been a pleasure to work with and really helped the partnership to be 100 percent positive.”