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Top 5 tips on staying healthy when travelling

Kristin Mariano

- February 24, 2020

Travelling, especially long-haul, can take a toll on the body. Bouncing across different time zones and battling jet lag are difficult when exercise, diet and taking care of one’s self are thrown out of the window for convenience and guilty pleasures.

Docandu, an app that allows you to easily connect with your doctors, get personalised medical tips based on your medical history, and access and share securely all your medical records within seconds, from anywhere in the world, shares five ways to stay healthy when travelling.

Keep a record – if you take any kind of medication, keeping a record of it with you will allow those around you and emergency medical teams to find out how best to help you if needed.

Get quality sleep – it’s not always the easiest thing to get prolonged sleep when you’re travelling on a plane or any other method of transport but getting a block of shut-eye will help your body to recover more quickly, especially when you’re crossing time zones. Use methods such as eye masks, ear plugs or a mild sleeping aid if necessary.

Avoid alcohol – as tempting as it might be to have a few drinks avoid consuming too much and if possible don’t drink at all. Alcohol leads to dehydration with the effects even more pronounced on an aeroplane. Water is best when travelling.

Treat your skin – for skin that feels refreshed and healthy, don’t scrimp on the moisturiser. If you’re wearing make-up, consider removing it before the flight. Reapply moisturiser frequently throughout the flight, leaving your skin feeling soft and looking less tired on landing.

Move – perhaps the most important piece of advice to follow is to move during long journeys. If you’re in a car, take a break and stretch your legs. If you’re flying, make sure to circle ankles and legs and move around the cabin at least once an hour. This is vital for preventing conditions such as Deep Vein Thrombosis. Wear flight socks as an added safeguard.

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Top 5 tips on staying healthy when travelling

Kristin Mariano

- February 24, 2020

x Studio

Connect with your clients by working with our in-house brand studio, using our expertise and media reach to help you create and craft your message in video and podcast, native content and whitepapers, webinars and event formats