Release the brakes
In Jack Canfield’s book on success principles, he says that successful people have realized that one of the best ways to achieve success faster is not to work harder but to “release the brakes”.
This means letting go of your limiting beliefs, self-image and just letting success happen. When you have done that, there is amazing freedom.
Let go of limiting beliefs
I love this picture of a very fit guy on a bike, going downhill and in order to enjoy the amazing day, he has no option but to release the brake.
As I think about how I have let go of my limiting beliefs and reflect on how this moved my business forward, here is what comes to mind.
My spectacular failure and all of the sub-optimal decisions made during that venture have transitioned from being limitors to “failure as teacher”.
I know that I simply need to look forward, and remember the past, but I must also give up the belief that it will repeat itself.
Back to question #1, I take full responsibility that it is my actions that produce the result.
I will make different decisions this time and the outcome will be different.