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Top 10 best cities to visit in Autumn

Kristin Mariano

- October 14, 2022

The study by Bounce analysed the most popular cities in the Northern Hemisphere on factors such as weather, events, affordability, and popularity across each season, to reveal the best cities to visit during each season of the year. 

Rank City Top 100 City Destinations Rank Average Annual Temperature (°C) Average Annual Rainfall (mm) 3-star Hotel Cost P/Weeknight  Searches for Things to do in Autumn Searches for “[City] Autumn Events Rank /10
1 Amsterdam 3 11.67 71.33 £98.00 184,000 11,020 16 7.25
2 Paris 1 12.30 60.00 £118.00 197,500 54,500 9 7.21
3 London 8 11.53 59.33 £135.00 648,000 31,260 13 7.11
4 Berlin 6 10.50 51.00 £89.00 106,700 4,740 10 6.93
5 Los Angeles 14 19.37 14.00 £163.88 222,000 2,590 7 6.69
6 Vienna 11 11.07 57.67 £81.00 71,500 3,230 35 6.65
7 New York 7 13.83 89.33 £196.00 291,000 15,100 30 6.52
8 Athens 26 18.60 31.00 £70.00 55,100 750 8 6.41
8 Prague 13 9.97 51.00 £60.00 88,400 5,030 5 6.38
10 Rome 5 16.93 113.67 £98.16 93,300 4,980 8 6.31


Amsterdam takes the top spot, ranking the highest for city visits in autumn. With a reasonable hotel cost of £98.00 per night and 16 events in the Autumn months, it’s the perfect city break. Such events include The Dutch Theatre Festival, Amsterdam Fringe Festival, and the Red Light Jazz Festival, alongside a number of film festivals.

Paris scores 7.21/10 for its seasonal score in autumn, making it the second-best city to visit during these months. It is also the most searched city in autumn, with 197,500 annual searches. In October, the all-night Nuit Blanche cultural festival takes place, offering free admission to all. Whilst November sees the moving Armistice Day Ceremony located at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

London ranks third as the best city to visit in autumn with a seasonal score of 7.11/10. It is one of the most popular cities during autumn according to Google searches, with the highest volume of searches for things to do. Autumn events include the Chelsea Antiques Fair, Thames Festival, and the Trafalgar Square Festival.


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Top 10 best cities to visit in Autumn

Kristin Mariano

- October 14, 2022

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