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10 destinations in Brits’ post-COVID bucket list

Kristin Mariano

- March 8, 2021

Brits are willing to drop the cash just to travel to these destinations in their post-COVID bucket list.

Having been unable to travel as freely as possible for the past year, thousands of Brits and Europeans have begun to plan their post-pandemic holidays. Many have created a bucket list of items they would like to tick off with any extra money they have saved during the COVID-19 pandemic.

For some, retirement offers the freedom to be able to travel the world but the pandemic has put travel and social plans on pause. A new Audley Villages study reveals which destinations and attractions are on our bucket lists, including one especially for retirees, and exactly how much they will cost to complete.

In order to do this we looked into Google search data, Instagram hashtags and press mentions of 141 bucket list items including destinations, landmarks, theme parks and activities.

Brits are raring to go traveling again once the pandemic is over, with Italy set to be the travel destination of choice. Here are the top 10 destinations in Brits’ post-COVID bucket list.

Ranking Destination Google Search Volume Instagram Hashtag Press Mention Volume Cost of Travel (GBP)
1 Italy 368,000 135,640,282 11,100 81
2 Japan 201,000 138,869,816 7,600 409
3 Barcelona 450,000 59,664,633 18,600 54
4 New York 201,000 108,402,813 10,500 265
5 Paris 110,000 125,480,223 10,000 73
6 Dubai 165,000 104,203,113 4,500 322
7 USA 110,000 111,420,811 10,300 337
8 Bali 135,000 111,840,390 1,200 572
9 France 165,000 88,515,673 15,900 73
10 Australia 246,000 67,003,599 13,800 785


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10 destinations in Brits’ post-COVID bucket list

Kristin Mariano

- March 8, 2021

x Studio

Connect with your clients by working with our in-house brand studio, using our expertise and media reach to help you create and craft your message in video and podcast, native content and whitepapers, webinars and event formats