Bali, Indonesia is one of the most sought-after destinations in Southeast Asia thanks to its lush beaches, temples, and UNESCO-listed rice fields. Its beauty has attracted 5.7 million travellers in 2017 and the island is coping with overtourism.
Indonesian news website Jakarta Post reported that the Balinese regional government has drafted a bylaw imposing a USD10 tax on foreign tourists to be charged upon leaving the country.
“Tourists come to enjoy our environment and culture. Why not contribute to preserving it?” head of Bali’s provincial parliament, Nyoman Adi Wiryatama, said.
This move is not a whim, Bali’s Udayana University’s school of hospitality and tourism conducted a study polling international visitors whether they’d be willing to contribute money toward the preservation of the island. 60% of the respondents agreed.
Indonesia is not the only country with this type of fee. Japan recently charges a “departure tax” JPY 1,000 (USD 9) that will go toward the cost of building and maintaining tourist infrastructure.
Visitors who spend only a day in Venice, Italy are charged USD 11 for visiting the city, a tax that was imposed to make up for the loss of hotel revenue.
Some countries chose to hike ticket prices of some attractions or limit the number of visitors that can gain access to it such as Taj Mahal.