Global chauffeur and airport concierge service Blacklane will open two US offices this fall. The New York and Los Angeles crew will grow business-to-business sales and improve Blacklane’s physical and digital services. Blacklane’s chauffeur service spans 71 US cities plus 12 more across the Americas.
“The US is our largest market for vehicles, rides and revenue while managed from Berlin. Opening offices on both coasts will rapidly grow our corporate and agency business while strengthening relationships with chauffeurs and airport concierges,” said Dr. Jens Wohltorf, CEO and co-founder of Blacklane.
“We will also continue hiring in all other offices to support our year-over-year doubling of rides and revenues,” he added. These openings will give Blacklane four new offices in a year, after Brisbane in February and Dubai in November. The company has 400 employees worldwide.
The Los Angeles office will open by September and include artificial intelligence engineers for Blacklane Labs, which researches and prototypes future technologies as well as sales and operations staff. The New York office will open by December to focus on corporate and agency sales as well as chauffeur and airport service company partnerships.
Globally, Blacklane’s chauffeur and airport services reach more than 600 airports, 300 cities and 60 countries.