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Illinois announces USD 1.9 million for tourism grant programme

Megha Paul

- February 5, 2020

The Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity (DCEO), Office of Tourism, has announced USD 1.9 million in grant funding for two tourism grant programmes designed to increase tourism across the state.

Illinois welcomed a record 117 million visitors from around the world in 2018, resulting in USD 42 billion in visitor spending and generating USD 3.3 billion in tax revenue for the state and local communities.  The DCEO Office of Tourism’s grant programmes are funded entirely by the state’s hotel motel tax revenue.

“To grow overnight stays.”

“There’s a reason that Illinois is breaking records for tourism; it’s because communities throughout our state have so much to offer,” said governor JB Pritzker. “I’ll continue to be a proud advocate for everything that attracts people to Illinois and these tourism grants – entirely funded by visitors staying in our hotels and motels – play a significant role in supporting the tourism industry and its nearly 350,000 jobs.”

Developing new events and attractions is necessary to inspire new audiences to visit Illinois.  These grants will result in increased visitor spending in local communities across our state, generating revenue and creating jobs for our residents,” said Erin Guthrie, acting director of DCEO. The Tourism Attraction Grant Programme will help develop new or enhance existing tourism attractions to grow visitation and overnight stays in Illinois.

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Illinois announces USD 1.9 million for tourism grant programme

Megha Paul

- February 5, 2020

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